Thursday, January 19, 2012

Vienn Day 2

Started the day off with croissants. The photos show the steps pretty well.

1. Roll out dough.

2. Roll out butter.

3. Fold butter into dough and roll out.

4. Roll out dough and fold several times. Then roll out dough.

5. Shape croissant

6. Proof for 2 hours to allow to rise.

7. Bake!

Brioche time

Traditional shaping into a tete 'a tete.

We used the extra Brioche dough to make a bunch of random things.

Weird cinnamon roll things

Mexican conche bread. It is just brioche topped with a strange white mixture (shortening, powdered sugar, flour).

Little flavored breads. Brioche filled with pretty much anything.

Tomato, cheese, and herbs
Cake crumbs, blueberry filling, streusel

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