Sunday, January 22, 2012

Vienn Day 6

Blueberry cake doughnut sticks. We were allowed to make our cake doughnuts whatever flavor we wanted, and my group makes love blueberry doughnuts. Since I abhor doughnuts, I was fine with whatever. The only way we could think of to keep the berries from burning in the fryer was to put them between two layers of dough.

We also made yeasted doughnut dough, which we made into pineapple fritters. We rolled out the dough, spread a layer of pate a choux on it, then covered it with pineapple. We rolled the dough up and slicked it like cinnamon rolls and proofed the dough. When we fried them, they got to dark. In order for the pate a choux to be cooked the fritters had to be really dark. But everyone said that they were still good.

The finishing touch was a tart lemon glaze on both doughnuts.

Other class doughnuts...

1 comment:

  1. okay- I have to say- I don't like donuts and these look delicious. I will have to show the pics to Andy - he's our donut guy
