Monday, February 6, 2012


So I have been out of communication for quite a while, I know! So I am going to try to summarize the last few weeks.

End of Vienn-
Day 8 and 9
These were practical days, so everything was a repeat. It was pretty chaotic, and while I did get photos they weren't very good.

Start of How Baking Works-
This class is kind of a departure from typical pastry. We purposely mess things up!! Every day we focus on a different main ingredient such as flour, eggs, sugar, or fats. We make one basic recipe each day, such as pound cake. Then each group does a couple of variations on the recipe. If it was sugar day, then we would make a cake with no sugar, 50% sugar, 100%, ,150%, 200%, honey instead of sugar, maple syrup, brown sugar, splenda, agave, etc. Then we compare all of the products and note what works and why. That is pretty much what we do every day, just with a different ingredient as the focus.
Most of the day is actually spent on the analysis portion of the class, the production is only a couple of hours. This means that the photos are really boring. However, at the end of the class I will put up some of the best photos, tips, and tricks. So hold on there!!


  1. Hey Margo - I finally figured out how to do this - anyway - I love the donuts pictures - luckily I'm not a donut person, or I would have headed to the store. I need to show them to Andy - cause he and Ash love them.... talk to you soon - T

  2. I am with you on the donuts, I am not a big fan either or this would have been a very fattening day! As soon as we started frying them people started to trickle in from other parts of the building asking for samples!
