Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cakes Day 8

We started by making angel food cakes. They almost all fell to some degree, but other than that they were unremarkable.

The finished cake prepped for decoration.

The decorated cakes. They are just coated with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, and on some we added oranges.

Next we prepped all of our cake components for the practical.

All of our cake ingredients layed out for mixing.

Then we made our Italian buttercream.

Egg whites ready to be whipped.

Sugar being boiled to 250 degrees. It will be drizzled into the whipped whites.

The massive whipped egg white monster trying to escape its bowl...

The meringue after the syrup was drizzled and whipped in. It is whipped until it cools to room temp.

Adding butter, bit-by-bit.

After all of the butter is added the buttercream looks curdled and gross for a while.

Keep whipping and it comes together into a smooth, yummy, buttercream.

Finally, chef demoed what we will need to do for decoration on our practical cake tomorrow. The roses can be any color, and the writting can be in either print or cursive.

Chef was making a very cute face in this photo!!

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