Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Plated Desserts! Day 1-4

Ok, so this class is kind of strange for photos. I lost a couple of days worth, plus there is really only one plate to show from each day. Days 1 and 2 were prep days with no real finished products.

Day 3 I was in Denver.

Everyone had to make lollipops, ours were lemon verbena. They were actually really good.

Which leads me to day 4. My tablemate and I had to make a roasted and poached fruit dish, that everyone else did on day 3. The fruit was really boring looking. We had to use apple, pineapple, and pear, all of which were really brown and ugly. Because of this, I cut up my fruit before plating it.

My tablemates dish....

Everyone else made creme brulee-

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