Monday, November 7, 2011

Classical Pastry, Day 3

1. Todays main project was Jalousie. It is a pastry made with puff, creme d'amande, apricots, and another layer of puff.
We put a final turn in our dough, then portioned it out for all of the pastries.

2. As a group we made one large Jalousie that was 6x15.

We put slits in the top of the pastry and flutted the edges. The Jalousie goes into the blast chiller untill it is almost frozen, then it gets brushed with egg wash and baked.

The large Jalousie in the oven.

This took a really long time to bake, while we worked on other things. After it came out we let it cool completely before slicing it. Ours is on the right.

3. We each made an individual Jalousie, and three mini jalousie.

The individual 3x5 Jalousie.

The mini 3x2.5 Jalousie. Mine are on the right, and Brandi is fluting hers.

Now mine are on the left.

4. The last baked good of the day was Pithiviers. They are just rounds of puff filled with creme d'amande and scored on top.

5. We filled our puff rounds from day three with raspberry flavored whipped cream and topped them with plain whipped cream.

6. We each made a small platter with our pastries from the day on it, and delivered it up to the freshman dining class.

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