Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Classical Pastry, Day 7

1. We made another batch of pate a choux.

Dough and pate a choux crackers.

2. We piped out rings for Paris Brest and swans. The swans are hideously old fashioned in my oppinion. The Paris Brest is just a ring of pate a choux filled with chocolate pastry cream, topped with whipped cream, and sprinkled with chopped nuts.

3. We unmolded all of the creme caramels from the other day. Brandi and I unmolded all of the classes caramels, so there are lots of different colors of caramel on the tray.

4. Finally we made tuile again. I piped out a few different designs.

We also made tuile rounds to put the creme caramels on.

5. Platter time!

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