Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Classical Pastry, Day 6

Pate a choux day! We switched from puff to pate a choux as the focus for the rest of the class.

1. Each group made a batch of pastry cream.


2. As a group we made a batch of pate a choux dough. It is just flour, butter, and water that is cooked on the stove. Then off the heat, eggs are mixed in. We piped the mixture out to make mini eclairs, cream puffs, and profiteroles.

Here is the mixture off the stove, mixing in the eggs.

Piping the profiteroles and eclairs.
We also piped the extra dough into decorations. Beacuse it was halloween we did some themed piping.

In the bottom of the pate a choux pan, a thin layer of dough sticks. if you turn the heat down and let the dough cook, it makes a yummy cracker. Pate a choux crackers are really good (actually better than the pate a choux pastries!).

We filled the pate a choux with pastry cream and whipped cream. The eclairs and profiteroles were dipped in a chocolate glaze and dusted with coco powder.

3. Next were tuile cookies. I kept up with the halloween theme, and made lollipops and candies.

4. We caramelized the creme brulee from a few days ago. They were very strange, good but strange. I would make the again with 1/4 of the rosemary and double the lemongrass.

5. We made a platter with our daily items, and it went up to dining for service.

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