Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cold Desserts, Day 2

1. We had a lecuture on the different types of frozen desserts: ice cream, gelato, sorbet, bombes, baked alaska, frozen souffle, etc.

2. Each group produced a batch of gelato. We made mango cardamom, which was AMAZING. The chef didn't like it, but we sure did. I think that cardamom is a love or hate kind of flavor.

3. We also made a batch of frozen yougart. We choose to add passion fruit so it was extra tangy and yummy.

4. We also had to make a batch of tuiles, which are easy to make but difficult to form into shapes. You press the batter through a stencil very thinly. Then you bake it, and while it is hot peel the tuile off and bedd them to add shape. we broe more than we made, but it wasn't bad for a first try.

5. Finally our group was assigned to cart for the day. This means that we had to load uo a rolling ice cream cart with a bunch of flavors. We then wheel it around the building to different class, and serve them ice cream. Another group ha made waffel cones, so we had cones and bowls. We served vanilla, coffee, chocolate, pistacio, cookies and cream, mango cardamom, and cinammon pear. I did all the scooping, so my forearm is now quite tired.

This is about half of the ice cream the class made. There was also about 8 gallons in the ice cream cart. As a class we made about 30 gallons.

That was day 2!

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