Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fundamentals, Day 8, Practical Day 1

1. So we started our practical at 7 sharp. There was nothing too difficult, just time organization. Each table only gets 2 burners and one scale, so we had to coordinate timing. We were not allowed to talk during the final, so it took a little planning.
2. We each had to make: creme anglais, one poached pear, one sautéed apple, and one batch of hand whipped cream. We also had to do ingredient identification, which was very easy. (With the exception of telling baking powder from baking soda)
3. We had until 11:30 to get all of this done, but my friend Brandi and I were done at 9:15. So our chef had us reorganize the ingredient racks, and churn all of the cream anglais into ice cream. It was a very easy first practical, which is a nice start.
4. On Monday, we have the second part of the practical and the written final. I am anticipating that too will go smoothly!

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