Friday, September 16, 2011

Fundamental Skills and Techniques

I am about to finish my first class at JWU! I has been pretty easy, which was expected. The class focused on basic knife cuts, ingredient identification, and basic cooking techniques. It has been very fun, although not super challenging yet. I figure that the best way to tell you about my days is to tell you what we did everyday. So here it goes.......

Day 1:
1. Of course we started off by choosing our seats in the kitchen. We will all be together until November in the same room. There are six table with tThree people at each table. The entire class is girls, which is rather interesting. I chose to be right in front by the chefs table. I want to always be able to see what is going on!

Here are the girls at my table, Brandi on the right and Daniela on the left. I took the photo with my phone, so it is not very good, I know!

2. We then went on a tour of the building: kitchens, store rooms, nurse, chef's offices, etc.
3. While in the store rooms, we got our knife kit and books.

4. We had the first lecture, which was on kitchen policies, safety, etc.
5. The class wrapped up with the basic knife cuts that we were suposed to perfect throughout the class. Batonnet, julienne, and brunioise on potatoes and carrots. We have a "cut ruler" that we have to pass all of the pieces through. Potatoes are easy, but the carrots curl which makes them much more difficult.

6. That was day 1!!!

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