Monday, September 26, 2011

Nostalgia photos

There shouldn't have been any doubt about my furture profession....


  1. Margo - I love your blog! Living vicariously through you and JWU. How do you like Charlotte? Looks like you're keeping VERY busy. Do you and your classmates get to eat everything you prepare? I'm in the airport on my way to Denver to see my mom. I check your blog at least weekly but just realized I should/could post to it (not much of a blogger, as you can tell!) but I will now. Bon appetit!

  2. Hi Laura- I just saw this comment! Now I know how to find them, I will check more often! To answer you questions, yes I love Charlotte. It is very different than anywhere I have lived, definatly southern. Everyone is so nice, which is certainly not the norm everywhere!

    We can eat however much we want during class. However, we are not allowed to take food home. So once we eat our fill, we deliver the rest up to the savory culinary labs. That way they get dessert, and sometimes they will feed us lunch in return. If there is still food that we cannot give it away to other classes, it goes to local food banks.

    I'm trying to keep us with the blog, it is proving a little difficult but I get to it when I can!

