Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fundamentals, Day 9, Practical Day 9

1. Today was mostly about butter cookies, a lot of butter cookies! I made 2 pounds of dough, which makes about 75 cookies. We piped them into 3 shapes (rosettes, shells, and s's). I was paranoid when I first put them in the oven, beacuse they spread really quickly. They were the first cookies in the oven so I was worried that it was to hot, but it turned out ok. The s's were a little large, but oh-well.

2. We then tempered 1 pound of chocolate. We used this to decorate the cookies, and to do filigree piping.

3. Finaly i had to do knife cuts on both potatoes and carots.

In the end I got a 96% on the practical. Yeah! I don't know my overall class grade yet, but I assume it will be on par with the practical. Fingers crossed......

Here Is someones final cake from the class nextdoor. It is actually kind of ugly, but I figured I would show it to you anyway.

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