Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cold Desserts, Day 8

Day 1 of Practical....

1. I started off the bay by making a quart of French vanilla ice cream. This was a very quick and easy part of the final. I had the ice cream in the freezer by 7:45.

2. Then I went on to sorbet. We could make any flavor, but I chose to do cassis again. It worked out well the first time, and I didn't want to take any chances. This was another quick and easy thing.

3. The most difficult part of our final was a plated parfait glacee. This is the exact same mixture that goes in the center of a bombe. The difference is in the shape. A parfait glacee is frozen in a cylinder mold, and is later removed to be free standing. I had to get the mixture in the mold and frozen for the next day. I flavored my mixture with passion fruit, no surprise there!

For our plated parfait we had to have the glacee, a sauce, chocolate piping, and a tuile cookie.
I made a quick raspberry sauce, just raspberries sugar and water. I didn’t want to make the cookies until the day of plating, because the humidity can make them soft overnight. We made the cookie batter as a group and put it in the fridge. You just have to throw everything in a mixer and turn it on.

4. The final thing of the day was to make apple crisp. We each had to turn in three portions for grading. It was the exact same recipe as we used previously, so there were no surprises.

That was all for day 1 of practical.

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