Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cookies, Day 3

1. We started off with brownies. We made them in a sheet pan and then coated them in a thick ganache. We put them in the freezer, then cut them into one inch squares.
2. Next we made raspberry streusel bars. They bottom was 1-2-3 sugar cookie dough, then a layer of raspberry jelly, then topped with streusel.
Here are the bars pre-streusel.
Here are the bars after they were baked and covered with powdered sugar.
The cut bars.
3. The next sheet cookies we made were pineapple, apricot, linzer bars. The filling was the pineapple from day 1 mixed with apricot jam. The linzer dough was both the bottom crust and the lattice top.
4. Financiers were next. They are just batter with brown butter mixed in that is piped into silicone molds and baked. They taste like crispy browned madelines.
5. We then made actual madeines. Agian they are a very quick cookie. We made mini ones, so that they matched the other things.
6. Biscotti was next on the list. We made realy small ones, so the logs for the first baking was only about an inch across. After the first baking, we sliced them, baked them again, and then dipped them in white chocolate. We could decorate them however we wanted, so I simply dipped the bottom.
Mine are in the middle.

7. That was the end of production for the day. We each had to pressent a sampling of our cookies on a tray. We made so many of each cookie that we are able to pick and choose the best.
Here is my tray.
8. After everyone in the group had their cookies graded we combined them. We made two large trays to deliver to culinary labs. They are supposed to be pretty, but we have to fit a lot of things on each tray, and we still had extras!
We then delivered the cookies to a culinary lab, and they gave us savory food in exchange. We were pretty excited for a real lunch, we probably acted like we had never been feed before!

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