Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cookies, Day 7

1. Today we finished our petit fours. To do this we layered two frangipane sheets with a small amount of raspberry jelly in between. Then we spread another very thin layer of raspberry on top and added a thin layer of marzipan. At this point we cut the large sheets into quarters. We each needed 1/4 of a sheet for todays production, and we were allowed to save a 1/4 sheet for the practical.

The sheets are then cut into 1 1/4 inch squares, and placed on a wire rack.

We then covered the petit fours with fondant. This process is a HUGE mess! The fondant is a combination of liquid fondant (which feels like that mixture of cornstarch and water you used to make as a kid, which gets hard when you squeeze it and gets soft when you leave it alone) and simple syrup. You have to keep the mixture at about 95 degrees or it will get too hard to pour. You then have to pour the mixture over the petit fours. I used a piping bag to get the fondant on the petit fours, but you can also scoop it with your hand and pour it on. There will be pictures of this whole process under the practical days.

Once the petit fours were covered in fondant, we decorated them. Half of them got rosebuds, and the other half got piped chocolate filagrees.

We had to present the best 30 to the chef for grading.

2. The only other thing that we had to do today was finishing our marzipan fruits.

Here are my fruits...

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