Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cold Desserts, Day 9

Practical Day 2....

1. The day started with the chef tasting both our ice cream and our sorbet. He wanted them to sit overnight, so that is the sorbet seperated it would be obvious. All was well with mine!

2. Finaly I had to plate my parfait glacee.

I started by making my tuile cookies. Here is the batter and some stencils.

Here is my plate with sauce and chocolate piping on it.
Here is my plated dessert.
Here are my table-mates plates.
Here is Brandi's dessert
Once we plated our parfaits, we had to move them to the front table. They had to hold up for fifteen minutes in order to pass. So here are everyones plates.
That was the end of Cold Desserts!

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