Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cookies, Day 9, Practical Day 2

The last day of cookies! We only had 2 things to make today, so it was relativly easy.

1. A new batch of macarons was first. We decided to make them blue again and to fill them with raspberry, just like our previous ones. Why mess with success?

I completely forgot to take pictures of them, but I promise they look EXACTLY like the ones from day 4. And they turned out!!

2. The petit fours are simple, but it is quite a process. And a messy one.

The cut petit fours ready for fondant.

One of the many batches of fondant.

My petit fours are in the forground. I was able to cover two rows, before we needed to make more fondant. You can see Brandi just starting to cover hers.

Brandi is covering her petit fours. On the left you can see the giant pool of fondant that forms under the wire rack during this proccess, which is the source of most of the mess.

We decorated all of the petit fours with chocolate filagrees.

Our practice sheet.

Very dainty piping. Remember this is on a 1 1/4 inch square!

3. At the end we each made a platter with all of our cookies. I was bad and didn't take any pictures, so you will have to use your imagination!

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