Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cookies, Day 8, Practical Day 1

For the practical we had to make nine different things. We could turn them in at any point over the two days. At the end of the second day, we had to combine our cookies and make an individual platter.

1. We started the practical by making chocolate chunk cookies. We wanted to get the easy things off the list as quickly as possible.

2. After the chocolate chunk, we started our macarons. We wanted them to have as long as possible to dry before baking.

The macaron batter.

The piped macarons.

This is the point where things whent downhill for our macarons. There was lots of drama in the kitchen over oven temps, and things kept getting changed. Needless to say, our macarons were completly ruined by a change in oven temp. They collapsed and were a sticky mess! It was beyond irritating, but we would be able to remake them the next day.

The useless macrons.

2. Next up were the harlequin cookies, the raspberry sandwich cookies.

3. We then went on to the peanut butter and chocolate arrachide cookies.

4. Next up was spritz cookies. We only had to do rosettes with raspberry.

5. Financiers were quick, and turned out perfectly.

6. Raspberry bars were also fast.

7. We turned in the marzipan fruits that we had finished the day before.

8. The last task of the day was to cut our petit fours. We cut them into 1 1/4 inch square then put them back in the freezer.

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